Enterprise Security Architecture

Enterprise Security Architecture (ESA) comprises of principles, methods, tools, and frameworks that protect an organisation’s assets from threats. Security architecture can be applied to an entire organisation or individual applications, processes, networks, cloud environments, or infrastructure. ESA involves developing a strategy for the secure implementation and management of technology across an entire organisation to align with business goals and strategies. 

Security Architecture Assessment, one of our key offerings, identifies and prioritises risks and risk treatments for a specific target system (application, cloud, network, or infrastructure), including its supporting people, processes, and technologies. Configuration Assessment is a review of the implementation and configuration of an asset (such as a cloud environment or network device) against security industry standards and vendor best practices to identify cost-effective opportunities for improvement.

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Increased Return on Investment by analysing business goals and objectives, and converting these into security architecture principles and requirements
Provides Visibility and Insight to cyber security risks resulting from service and technology usage by creating traceability between security and business requirements
Reduced Project Costs by identifying and planning cyber security requirements into the early stages of projects, rather than attempting to ‘bolt on’ controls after the project is delivered